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A seminar at the International People’s College

24. februar 2024, kl. 11:00 - 16:00

Towards a New World Order – a seminar at the International People’s College

Are we heading towards a new era of global leadership with increased influence for the global south? What will the role of the powerful nations of China, India, and the United States be in the future? And how will this impact on Europe and the UN?

Join us for a global seminar, 24 February, at the International People’s College (IPC), Montebello Allé 1 in Elsinore, as we engage in a discussion about global politics, geopolitical power relations, and opportunities of the future.
Renowned experts in international relations, Camilla Tenna Nørup Sørensen, Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard, and Jørgen Dige, will share their perspectives and predictions on the global power dynamics in the world of tomorrow and set the stage for a lively folk high school debate, moderated by Clement Kjersgaard.

11:00-11:20: Welcome and opening remarks, IPC and Clement Kjersgaard
Clement Kjersgaard is one of the most popular speakers and moderators in Denmark. Clement has worked for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation since 2004, anchoring various TV-shows and specials, including the flagship current affairs show “Debatten”.

11:20-12:10: China and the new world order, Camilla Tenna Nørup Sørensen
Camilla is a researcher and associate professor at the Danish Defense Academy. Camilla’s focus is on China as a great power actor in international politics. She has stayed in China for studies and taught at a Chinese University in Beijing.

12:10-13:00: The United States of America and the new world order, Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard
Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard is senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies. Rasmus is particularly interested in US foreign policy, and the tension between liberal values and national interest – as well as diplomacy, the UN, global order, and American election policies.

13:00-13:40: Lunch and coffee

13:40-14:30: India and the new world order, Jørgen Dige Pedersen
Jørgen Dige Pedersen is an associate professor emeritus at the Institute of Political Science at Aarhus University, specialized in International Relations, Development Studies and Political Economy with particular focus on different aspects of India’s development and politics.

14:30-15:45: A lively folk high school debate facilitated by Clement Kjersgaard
Are we heading towards a new world order? How will the future geopolitical dynamics affect the role and position of Europe and the UN? What opportunities are the new power relations providing for peaceful co-existence?

15:45-16:00: Closing remarks, IPC and Clement Kjersgaard

The participation fee is 100 DKK, which includes lunch sandwich and coffee. Payment should be made by credit card on arrival. The seminar will happen in English.

Please register by sending an email to 


24. februar 2024
11:00 - 16:00
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